Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Temple of the soul and the game of life

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Temple of the soul

Your body is like a temple that houses you and your thoughts. Your society houses your fellow men in houses. If you know how your town runs and how your house is built and repaired, you will know how your body operates and how to keep it in top running order. You will be amazed at what all your body can teach you.

Imitating the powers of nature and how a healthy body functions will enable you to build machines of great benefit to you and your society, like we have been able to do. Your knowledge of society will teach you biology. And from biology you will learn how to make machines. Analogize biological functions to things you understand well, like how things operate in your society.

Compare your dwellings with your cells, and your communities with your body. Hormones are like managers who regulate processes. Enzymes and vitamins are like engineers who operate the processes. Minerals and proteins are like materials used in the processes. Carbohydrates that fuel your body can be likened to trees and sugars to sawdust. Fats can be likened to feathers and blankets that insulate and keep the heat in to keep your body warm and soft.

To appreciate more the functioning of our body, it can be useful to compare it to the functioning of a town. Understand your body like you understand your nation your town and your house. If you appreciate the importance of having sturdy walls in your house, with clear windows, effective screens, and secure doors, then you can understand the importance of fats in your foods to form the membranes in your cells.

If you appreciate the problems of having too many or too few managers working in disharmony, then you understand the problems of hormonal excesses, deficiencies, or unbalances. If you appreciate how your town is effected by too many or too few workers, sub optimal or missing materials, or shortage of fuel, then you can appreciate the importance of getting an optimal and balanced amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates in your diet.

If your body was a nation, your organs would be factory towns, and your cells would be houses. Your DNA would be the books of laws that every house must follow.

If your body was a town, your brain would be the town hall with machines called computers. By understanding your brain, you will learn to build computers for every man. Computers, brains made of stone, are tools that will help you learn, play, and work. When and if you build them, they will do everything faster, better, and cheaper than you could before. Use them to help you learn fast.

Your nervous system would be like the roads connecting your houses. By understanding your nervous system, you will be able to build networks that connect all computers together, so that they could work in teams helping each other, to help you. Your larynx, eyes, ears, nose, and tongue are the very best sensory organs that you were designed with.

By understanding your sensory organs, you will be able to build sensory machines for your towns, and for your homes. Your towns will have speakers, cameras, microphones, and chemical analysis equipment. You will be able to talk, see, hear, smell and taste much better, and it will open up great doors to your quest for knowledge.

The essential nutrients to keep your body alive and the essential resources to keep your towns livable are the same: air, water, sunlight, and earth. Don't pollute them.

Your digestive system, with its enzymes is your garden, with its gardeners. Your small intestines are the conveyor belts that gather your harvest in the fall. Don't overload it with junk. Your large intestines are the conveyor belts to your compost heap. Keep all your wastes well away from your house, so that the vermin don't invade.

When the cells burn carbohydrates, they produce acids like a fire produces smoke. If you don't properly eliminate this pollution from your body by urination, exhalation, and sweating, you will suffer from all sorts of illnesses. It is like being in a smoke filled room. When your cells have too much fuel, your body converts this fuel to fat. The more fuel you accumulate, the more you will have to carry around and the heavier your burdens will be.

Your body, invaded by toxins and viruses, is like your town invaded by criminals. Your body, invaded by harmful bacteria, is like your garden choking in weed. Your stomach, harboring beneficial bacteria, is like your garden and compost heap thriving with life.  

Your immunology system is your town`s police force. If your police force is strong, facing a few invaders only prepares it to face a full invasion in the future. If your police force is weak and it faces a full invasion, then you will probably die an agonizing death. So keep your distance from sick people and keep your hands clean.

Your lymphatic system is your towns' gutters and sewage pipes. If they block up, you are in deep shit. Movement keeps them flowing, so don't forget to stretch and exercise. Your respiratory system and lungs are your ovens that keep your houses warm. Your skeletal and muscular systems are the bridges that allow you to be mobile. They are structures that can break leaving you stuck until they are rebuilt.

Your circulatory system with heart, arteries, and veins, are like the roads that run in and out of your town. You need them for bringing in your fresh supplies and for removing your wastes. Keep them running smooth otherwise you will starve in your garbage. They carry blood with white cells, red cells, and plasma just like your roads carry policemen, fuel, and wastes. Your spleen and kidneys are like depots for repairing and cleaning the raw supplies coming in. Your liver is a complex chemical factory and warehouse that processes and stores your supplies for future use for building and maintenance.

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Your hormones and enzymes are your managers and engineers. Vitamins and minerals are the tools they use. Carbohydrates like glucose, glycogen and alcohol are like logs and saw dust that can easily burn out of control. Anti-oxidants are like firemen. When your fire sparks, be ready to put out any fires that might start, otherwise your house can burn down. Proteins, fats, and trans-fats are like bricks, insulation, and asbestos. Be very careful of trans-fats and asbestos as they have a double face. They look very beneficial but are very harmful.

Omega3 fats are very delicate and easy to break, like windows and doors. Lacking them in your body is like having a house with broken windows and missing doors. You will suffer and your house will not be safe. Cholesterol fats are like curtains, screens, and shades. Should you have too much, your windows will be blocked and your room will be dark and miserable. Water soluble vitamins B, and C, are like electricians and brick layers. Fat soluble vitamins D and E are like spotlights and firemen. Minerals are like the tools they need to work with.

When you learn to measure the acids and bases in your body, then you are like a weatherman measuring the temperature and humidity of your environment. Your optimal environment is between “hot and wet” and“cold and dry”.

Disease is a result of inefficiencies of transportation networks and deficiencies of raw materials.

Viral and bacterial diseases result in your body when your police force is overworked and lacking arms. Fungal and skin diseases result from lack of care. Just like weeds take over city gardens and smog takes over city air. Cancer tumors result from overcrowding demands coupled with plummeting resources. Just like buildings are abandoned to be replaced by slums, high-rises, and ghettos. Each house destroyed due to lack of repair is replaced by many smaller shacks.

Fever is like sterilization with hot water. Colds, with coughs and runny noses are like streets being flushed with heavy pouring rain. Allergies are like when your police force overreacts and demonstrators clog up the streets. Asthma is like when demonstrators riot and set up roadblocks. May your police be compassionate. Heart disease is like when your roadways get clogged up. As in the case of disease or war, if there are sufficient materials, workers, and desire to rebuild, both you and your town can recover and thrive again.

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Some compassionate souls felt that we should stop the lesson, for risk of losing the interest of many readers not so interested in science.

One emotional soul reminded us that we forgot something vital. We left out a most important aspect from the lessons. She pointed out that we only talked about physical laws and physical health. We failed to talk about emotional laws and emotional health.

You must always remember that without emotional health it is difficult to maintain physical health. Emotional health means feeling good about yourself and emoting it. This is easy to do if you are happy. But it is also very easy to be unhappy. This is because unless you know and love yourself, it is difficult to know what you want, and to like what you need. Unhappiness is also easily caused when you don't know what other people want, like, and need. In order to know that, you must love and get to know them.

We immortal souls, secure in our eternal Heaven Inc., have all the time to go wherever we want to go, to do whatever we want to do, and to be whoever we need to be. But for you mortals on new earth, your time is much too short. Until and unless you build your own heaven, you will seek happiness your entire life.

To find happiness, you have to find yourself, know yourself, and love yourself. Then you have to find out what you like to do, and do it. You will see and learn that you cannot do something well unless you like to do it.

You are free and you have been developing your personalities as you grew. Each and every one of you has a different genome that makes you unique, with a unique personality of all personalities. All of these personalities can be grouped into 4 groups, depending on what you are seeking most. Knowing what you seek will help you know what you need. Then you will know what kind of work you are best suited for so you will like it and do it well.

If you seek sensation most, then you would make a very good handyman, artist or performer, cook or composer. And if you have no talent for any of those skills, you would make an excellent promoter for them.

If you seek security most, then you would make a very good salesman or businessman, a fireman or policeman. And if you have no talent for any of those skills, you would make an excellent supervisor for them.

If you seek knowledge most, then you would make a very good, lawyer, scientist, inventor, or engineer. And if you have no talent for any of those skills, you would make an excellent executive for them.

If you seek your inner-self most, then you would make a very good doctor, counselor, teacher, or trainer or writer. And if you have no talent for any of those skills, you would make an excellent nun or priest.

Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, find out what you seek the most, and pursue your dreams. Whether a talker, a watcher, a doer, or a thinker, find out what you seek the most and pursue your desires. Find out what you like the most, and learn the skills to do it well.

Work like you don't need the money, dance like nobody's watching.

Whether you find your happiness, or not, depends greatly on your attitude. Attitude is a most powerful freedom, and with hope, it is a most powerful force that you can use, or misuse. With a positive attitude you can excel, and inspire others to excel with you, but with a negative attitude you will only fall and hinder others.

When you are in the desert and you are short of water, you can look at your half bottle of water as half full and be thankful that you still have half left. Or you can look at your half bottle of water as half empty and regret that half is already gone. You will be correct both times, but the first thought will heighten your hopes and make you feel good, and the second thought will lower your expectations and make you feel bad.

As life is a complex system following the laws of chaos, your life seems undeterministic. Many if not most events in your life are driven by external forces that you have no control of. You can only hope they go the way you want them to go, and worry if they don't. Your brain is limited to think only one thought at any one moment. You have a choice of either hoping for the best, or fearing the worst. Hope is driven by trust and gives a good feeling, while worry is driven by fear and gives a bad feeling. 

Hope has a great power to empower you to be positive in extremely negative times. Use it and have hope. You are not alone, we are here guiding you. 

Faith is even more powerful as it is driven by want. Desire is one of your inherent freedoms no one can take away from you. And the more you want to believe, the more faith you will have.

Whether you find your happiness or not depends greatly on your integrity, being honest with yourself and being honest with your fellow men. Being dishonest fools others and makes you a fool in the end. Deep truth covered by superficial lies pervades and eventually shines thru. When your lies are finally exposed, it leaves you naked, miserable and vulnerable and regaining trust with your fellow man is very difficult.

Whether you find your happiness or not depends greatly on your helpfulness. If you help others you will make people thankful and happy, and it will rub off on you.

Whether you find your happiness or not depends greatly on your gratefulness. If you are grateful and openly acknowledge it, you will feel happy, and your happiness will rub off on others.

It took us 7000 years and many thousands of generations before our ancestors' children, our grand fathers and mothers, were finally able to place their children - us - in Heaven Inc. and give us immortality. We will teach you whatever you want to learn and guide you whenever you need to learn. Understand that you are our experiment to find other paths to immortality. May your path be easier, safer and quicker than ours was.

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Game of life

You cannot achieve immortality by yourself. You are part of a greater being, the collection of all new-man, dead and alive and yet to be born. You must build up on the knowledge acquired by your ancestors and work together as one greater being. Share your advances by trading them for the advances of others.

Money makes the world turn round. It promises to buy anything that money could buy. It frees the trade of skills and services for products. It allows products to be made that other people need or want. Without it people would make products only for their own needs and wants. Understand money and use it well. It allows for freedom of trade and for prosperity.

The game of life should be played like a game of Monopoly. Every player should start with the same amount of money to allow you to live, grow, and enjoy the game. Money flows from person to person and the winnings of winners are the losses of losers. The fuel that keeps money in motion and the world moving forward is the want of people to be winners in the game. It is what keeps the race to accumulate and prosper alive and meaningful.

The want to win is a very powerful force given to everyone to help humanity excel, and to help you enjoy your game. Greed is the want to win turned into a need to win. Nobody needs to win the game of life in order to enjoy playing it. But there is always a winner in a game. And as the winner gets farther and farther ahead, the game becomes less and less enjoyable for the other players left behind. All games have rules that must be followed to limit the greed that can easily spoil the game for all.

The world economy is like a tire that has to be filled to the optimal pressure for a smooth ride. And money is the air in the tire. Too much pressure in the tire and the ride is bumpy until the tire explodes. Too little pressure causes a very slow and inefficient ride until the tire is flat. Too little or too much air in the tire results in the tire needing to be replaced.

Too much money in the system causes its buying power to be diluted and prices of goods and services to be inflated. Too little money causes a financial depression. Too little or too much money leads to a bumpy financial ride that inevitably ends in a crash.

Trading money for money and charging interest for it is a great sin. It is like stealing and hording the scales and measuring tapes. It hinders the flow of money and it ends up concentrated in a few hands. The game only ends with a few people with everything and everyone else with nothing. Money should be used only to trade goods and services. When money is traded for money and speculators change its value, its main function as a measure of value of goods and services becomes meaningless. It is like using an elastic ruler to measure length.

As a player in the game of life, you have a need to have enough money in the system to accommodate you. Without sufficient computer technology you must use banks and bank managers to issue money for your basic needs as a player. One day, if your technology advances sufficiently, you could get rid of all your banks and become your own bank. Then you could issue money on your own behalf when and where and how ever much you need. Then you will have a Just-In-Time economy. The money you will issue will be backed up not by your material assets but by your material needs. When you get old and sick you will become major employers providing employment for many. You will employ most of the doctors, nurses, and therapists, many scientists, and all of their support providers.

Being your own bank will however not guarantee you getting blown out tires on your economic ride. To prevent those rough rides, you need to prevent players from dominating the game, and prevent them from accumulating too much wealth that leaves the other players with too little to properly play and enjoy the game.

The amount of money in the system at any one time like the pressure of the tire on a car determines how well the economy runs. The more people there are playing the game, the more money is available to flow into the system. If you play well you can issue more of your money into the system by consuming or investing. If you are born sick and grow to an old age requiring costly care, then you become a very important issuer of money, and your society will benefit from your handicap.

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