More and more new machines were made, and the rich kept on getting richer, and the poor kept on getting poorer. And nature felt strangled by the greedy exploitation of her resources used to feed the machines. The machines farted and polluted the environment. While people protested with moans, groans, grumbles and tears, nature protested and trembled with earthquakes and floods causing great suffering to rich and poor alike.
It was a time of greed that gravely affected both mankind and nature. Exploitation was carried out till there was nothing left to exploit. People were brainwashed using the mass media to want products that they didn't need. Their initial wants finally changed to needs as they became physically and emotionally addicted to the many mostly useless and often harmful products.
Everything that man thought was exploitable, he tried to exploit. Children were enslaved in many countries for cheap labor. Some parents even exploited their own children, selling them as sex slaves.
Humanity was like a young greedy businessman, desperate to make a profit.
Greedy men saw that they could exploit prostitutes and centralized them into what was known the sex slave trade. They enticed young vulnerable girls from poorer countries to go work in the tourist industry in richer countries. They were then forced to work as prostitutes until they were too worn out to be used.
Greed was rampant because people were so easy to exploit. They were like sheep. They listened to and followed the loudest voice and were very easy to brainwash. A few greedy homosexuals started a fashion industry that exploited women even more than they were already exploited by men. Using the mass media they convinced young women to dress and paint themselves to look like prostitutes. When they were older, many had deformed feet and painful spines because of the high heels they wore to look sexy.
To exploit males for their sexual desires, they sold pornographic magazines. These picture books for adults were placed next to comic books for children, just like cigarettes were placed next to candy bars and soft drinks in the Kiosks. The candy bars made the children fat and the drinks dissolved their teeth. Dentists were kept busy filling cavities with a cheap paste using toxic mercury.
Greedy men decided to centralize health care and quickly succeeded to control it. They licensed doctors and set prices that were very high. They convinced the politicians to outlaw cheap and readily available medicine that came from common plants. They used very expensive synthetically produced medicine and trained doctors to prescribe these drugs for exorbitantly high fees. The focus of health care turned from cheap prevention, maintenance and self-healing, to expensive removal, replacement, and short term relief. Doctors became drug pushers for drug cartels who had a pill for every ill.
There were greedy men who saw they could exploit the farms. They centralized agriculture to control it and redesign it to make it cheaper and increase profit. They cheapened and impoverished man’s food by squeezing the life out of the earth until it couldn't grow any more crops. Then they revitalized the land with chemicals to allow plants to grow.
The nitrogen based bombs and nerve gas used in wars were modified to fertilizers and insecticides which polluted the lakes and oceans. Eventually fish became too toxic to eat and water became too toxic to drink. It had to be filtered, sterilized, and treated with chemicals, to make it drinkable. Despite the negative side effects, this increased the yield of crops dramatically and was called the green revolution.
They tinkered with genes to make plants and animals grow bigger, and faster, and the green revolution evolved to the gene revolution. Greedy businessmen saw they could continue to exploit the eating habits of people. They centralized and thus controlled the production of food that humans ate. These industrialized farmers used scientists to alter nature in order to make crops cheaper so they can gain more profit. They manipulated the genes of plants to be resistant to a specific pesticide, and sold this pesticide to ensure only their gene manipulated seeds survived. The bio diversity of foods plummeted.
From the thousands of varieties of potatoes, only 4 remained. From the hundreds of varieties of apples, there remained only a few. All types of foods were reduced to a few varieties. But yields were very high and the population increased. The poor countries farmed raw food for rich countries. The rich transported, processed, packaged, marketed and sold it back to the poor as processed food at great profit.
They worked with greedy businessmen who had already centralized transportation systems in the form of roads, trains, boats and planes. Great profits were made by moving food across the world to be processed, packaged, and moved back.
Transporting materials from one point to another became totally automated using drones, self driving trains, trucks and ships. The cowboys that were taken off their horses to become truck drivers, were suddenly taken from their trucks. Because of their love of the adventure and travel, they were placed in space ships to reach the new frontiers of outer space waiting to be exploited and settled.
The earth moaned and the rich rejoiced.
Many vital components were removed from the food in the processing. Other greedy people exploited this and synthesized these vital components with chemicals to enrich foods and offered supplement for impoverished diets. Diet was later seen to be a main cause of many diseases that mankind was suffering from.
Greedy businessmen saw they could exploit these sufferings by centralizing and controlling the production of chemicals to make drugs to neutralize symptoms of diseases. They made wonder miracle drugs that despite many side effects seemed to cure ailments simply by covering up the symptoms. For the many side effects they developed more drugs and convinced doctors to prescribe them and the people to demand them.
The pharmaceutical industry developed a virus that overwhelmed the hospitals to such an extent that politicians worldwide quarantined their citizens and forced them to have annual vaccinations. Hand to hand transmission of viruses was quickly shown to be the main cause of contagion, and cash and coins fell out of circulation just as quickly. The pharma industry, delighted with their new perpetual cash crop they found in vaccinations, developed a "smart universal vaccination" that could deliver Just-In-Time individually tailored doses. It was a computer chip injected under the skin that monitored the body and regulated a dose of the right chemicals.
The elites seeking world dominance were relieved that the public did not resist being controlled in such a way. They were delighted that the public demanded more controls and freedoms were traded for security. The house lock downs imposed by the quarantines halted world trade until only the "too big to fail" survived. Small business became franchise stores selling from home offices via the internet and working for a handful of international corporations. To the delight of the politicians, any public gatherings, whether for sport events, entertainment, church functions or demonstrations moved on-line to virtual reality spaces made safe by the watchful eyes of surveillance.
The smart-phone and the social media awakened narcissism in people. They started to lose their belief in an all knowing god, replacing it with the technology that monitored their wants and needs and provided them with instant knowledge good and bad, true and false. They started to post selfies and anonymous rude comments. This power in their pockets gave them a false sense of superiority. Those with leftist ideological political leanings felt a need to help make a better world and save the planet. They proudly clamed to be woke - awakened and enlightened. They became influential when the corporations and their indoctrinating academic institutions of learning and the mass media propaganda machines supported them. Their preference to collectivism and group think over individualism and their sacrificing personal interests for the good of their tribe make them more loyal and profitable consumers and customers of "one size fits all" products and services.
In the name of social justice and an effort of fairness to equalize the inequalities, the woke under the guise of virtue signalling depress the privileged white male oppressors with shame and guilt while up lifting the victimized ethnic minority, suppressed females and gender non conformists. They do this all in the name of feminine and human liberation, diversity, equality and inclusion, excluding any considerations of merit.
The smart-phone and the social media awakened narcissism in people. They started to lose their belief in an all knowing god, replacing it with the technology that monitored their wants and needs and provided them with instant knowledge good and bad, true and false. They started to post selfies and anonymous rude comments. This power in their pockets gave them a false sense of superiority. Those with leftist ideological political leanings felt a need to help make a better world and save the planet. They proudly clamed to be woke - awakened and enlightened. They became influential when the corporations and their indoctrinating academic institutions of learning and the mass media propaganda machines supported them. Their preference to collectivism and group think over individualism and their sacrificing personal interests for the good of their tribe make them more loyal and profitable consumers and customers of "one size fits all" products and services.
In the name of social justice and an effort of fairness to equalize the inequalities, the woke under the guise of virtue signalling depress the privileged white male oppressors with shame and guilt while up lifting the victimized ethnic minority, suppressed females and gender non conformists. They do this all in the name of feminine and human liberation, diversity, equality and inclusion, excluding any considerations of merit.
Viral DNA was inserted into the DNA of people much like a viral code infects a computer. The viral codes were programmed to cause people to be infertile, and the "killer gene" was programmed to cause sudden death. The chip was updated to communicate with networks used to monitor and control the population and their commerce.
The collapse of world economies was inevitable as it was based on unsustainable growth that was threatening the world ecology. The elites who caused it all bio engineered a novel virus that caused a pandemic. People bunkered in their homes as if they were in a war. The media, as in all wars, flourished as if they were covering a sporting event. Deaths with the virus were counted as deaths from the virus, and hospitals closed for non virus related cases. People were advised to stay at home. The media fanned the flames with frightening forecasts based on false assumptions. The wearing of face masks in public was mandated as a step towards the mandatory vaccinations that were being rushed to market. People wore face-masks to show that they conformed to the will of the majority. Seeing people wear face masks incited fear. It made people afraid to not wear one, and afraid of people wearing it.
The communication industry saw the optimal time to push out their next generation equipment which was claimed to be potentially very dangerous. It connected people and all their devices to a network They worked with the pharma industry to trace and tag people for their own good. They also worked with the banks so that a cashless and virus free money could be developed for the people's own good.. The corporations and politicians they controlled corralled the people into submission. Doctors became salesmen for the pharma corporations whose only mandate was profits for their shareholders. Medicine became politicized and financialized Dissenting doctors faced losing their license to practice and their opinions were banned by social and mainstream media. The agro corporations work hand in hand with pharma. They rape and poison the land and water growing plants and raising animals for maximum profit without any regard to quality or health. Agro corporations profited by making people sick while pharma corporations profited by keeping people alive.
Businesses closed and riots broke out when food supplies dried up. The elites blamed the collapse of nations on the virus and claimed to save everyone by developing a universal vaccination with a chip that not only monitored your health but also tracked where you were. A cashless society soon followed where people without the chip were unable to participate in the economy. The survivors were grateful for being saved by the elites. The elites were grateful to finally have grateful slaves watched and controlled by technologies they owned.
About 100 years after Hitler exterminated millions of people for fear of contaminating his race, about 3 billion people were burned in ovens for fear of contaminating all of humanity. They were exterminated in order to contain a highly deadly and highly contagious virus that during a 20 year period halved the world population from 6 billion to 3 billion. In the first 10 years the virus killed over 1 billion people. The next 10 years the virus was contained and an extermination program was carried out that exterminated over 2 billion people.
The pandemic was caused by a very contagious virus that had a never before seen unique capability. If it couldn't kill the host, it would end up protecting it. The virus could live only in human stomachs. Those who survived the first bout lasting a week ended up stronger and carried the active virus for the rest of their lives. The virus used these survivors as launching pads to find new hosts. People serving as launching pads for the viruses got protected in turn from all other known viruses. The scientists could not explain it, other than it was an intelligent virus. Some people claimed that the virus was a Nano robot self-replicating intelligent machine programmed and set loose by extra-terrestrials. The virus was the size of a few hundred atoms in a shape that filtered chemicals going to the blood. It was like a slaughter house conveyor belt selectively destroying all toxins and viruses as well as bacteria detrimental to health. For reasons unknown the virus killed 6 out of 7 people over a 7 day period. It decimated indiscriminately the rich and poor and the sick and healthy.
The virus spread very easily via blood, sweat, and tears, saliva and shit. A shaking of hands with an infected person was enough most of the time to come down with this virus. A kiss from someone infected was for most a kiss of death. Kissing, physical intimacy, or just having someone infected weep on your shoulders was considered a risk of a painful death too high for most to take.
Many adopted a different lifestyle where touching or being physically too close was considered rude and disrespectful. Others more religious considered being infected with the virus as punishment from God for their lustful intimate indulgences, and the 7 day battle with the disease was called “Armageddon”.
During the dreaded 7 day battle, the skin of infected people turned red and shiny and lost all hair. They looked like dressed up Satans. They experienced excruciating pain and for a week, vomited all they ate, and suffered acute diarrhea. Only one in seven survived, becoming potential killers to whoever they remained intimate with, but immune for life for all other harmful viruses and bacteria.
The virus was discovered and studied soon after its outbreak, but to the scientists' surprise, no antibodies were ever found. The virus as far as the body was concerned was similar to the bacterial flora in the stomach, where most of it was found to reside. The virus was able to infect the gut bacteria and make it produce whatever nutrients the host body required and was lacking from the diet. In addition, it produced all the antibodies your immunity system required to fight any bacterial and viral infections. Those few who survived were easily identified as their face and hands were shiny red as if it was severely sunburned. If you were lucky and survived, the virus protected you for the rest of your life to use you as a launching pad to infect other.
As the virus spread so rapidly, by the time the health authorities realized what had happened, it was too late to contain it. Those not infected with the virus were obliged to wear special protective clothes which were very uncomfortable, especially in warm weather. The infected people who survived didn’t wear protective clothes and continued their intimate physical contacts.
Over time a great resentment grew in the virus free population. The animosity was so great that it split society into 2 opposing groups. Survivors with the virus called themselves “Blessed” and were called “Daemons” by the virus-free who called themselves “Victims”. Daemons and victims had great hatred and fear of each other. Victims” regarded “Daemons” to be terrorists while the Daemons just wanted to live a peaceful life and considered themselves Blessed. Laws were eventually passed and enforced requiring all Daemons to wear special protective clothes allowing the “Victims” to shed theirs. Victims started to refer to themselves as “Victors”. . Many Daemons refused to wear the protective suits and new tougher legislation was passed to have all daemons tagged.
With time they were quarantined and eventually systematically exterminated. All daemons had a chip containing a tracking device embedded to track all their movements. Any daemon caught outside quarantine was immediately and humanly disposed of. They were arrested and injected with cyanide causing a painless death within a few seconds.
The daemons were quarantined in crowded highly secured centers in each community. The centers, commonly referred to as hell were walled and fenced. Anyone caught inside was forced to stay inside and any daemons caught outside were deposed of by special disposal police. Families were split. Friendships were lost. The quarantined areas ranged in size from walled in neighborhoods housing 1,000 in towns, to walled-in ghettos housing 100,000 in cities.
The extermination program was sponsored by the Reality TV Corp. as an entertaining reality show. Live cameras all over the centers recorded the intimate lives of the daemons. Sex was encouraged and was rewarded by prizes, luxurious facilities, and stardom. Women got pregnant and gave birth to healthy babies with red skin and grew up into healthy adults. Most chose to use birth control or abortion to avoid having children. No one died of sickness and lived long lives. Some died from accidents and a few were killed in violent and passionate outburst. To control the population of daemons in the concentration centers and keep it from increasing, daemons were executed every day. The embedded chip in each daemon contained a capsule of cyanide that was remotely triggered in deep sleep to cause death within seconds. The wounded, the criminals, and those breaking any rules were chosen and killed in their sleep by remote control. It was considered to be like a natural death by most daemons. Any dissidents, criminals, and trouble makers were quickly put to death in this way and cremated in ovens in the quarantine centers.
Life in the centers was like living in a poor overcrowded neighborhood. The daemons were led to believe that they were under quarantine and that the high number of deaths was due to the virus they were quarantined for. Members of families were kept together. The daemons farmed their own produce, and worked in offices and factories like they used to before they were quarantined. All had work and they provided cheap labor for the victims.
With every year as the daemon population decreased, the conditions improved. It became less and less crowded. After a few generations, all daemons had their own room. The daemons with time came to regard themselves more like patients in a hospital than prisoners on death row.
When there were only 144,000 daemons left, they were shipped to remote secure deserted islands in a move to preserve this super virus and save it from extinction for the sake of science.
Listen while you read...
Machines were fed with hydrocarbons left behind by the forests and jungles millions of years ago. As the fuel wells gradually got depleted, fuel got more expensive, and much of the earth's forests and jungles were razed to grow specialized plants that were then processed to make fuel to feed the machines. The price of grains increased but many people were unable to afford grains and many people went hungry and suffered greatly.
Animals were fed with chemicals to make them more attractive to sell without regards to health concerns. Animals were slaughter alive to save a few pennies. Plants were fed on chemicals as the earth was already too depleted to nourish the plants. The quality of nutrition dropped to levels that were reflected in the ill state of the people that were fed on the empty calories. Many people from rich nations became very fat. And within a few generations the richer you were the fatter you were.
Scientists were able to prolong lives that nature otherwise compassionately shortened. Lives were prolonged by replacing organs that were the cause of the illness. Doctors became mechanics constantly repairing humans to keep them functioning.
Because vaccinations promised lifelong protection from viruses and drugs promised instant relief from illnesses, and because both were very profitable, greedy drug companies convinced politicians to require vaccinations for everyone for all of the viruses from birth. They vaccinated babies for viruses that are only a risk for prostitutes and heroin addicts. The universal vaccines contained mercury and caused much more suffering than the viruses would have caused.
The population of the earth greatly increased. Many lived in very difficult conditions. One in six people were mentally handicapped. Many lacked basic living necessities like water. Many poor were left to scavenge for wood to make a fire. The rich who lived in abundance suffered from obesity and cancer reached epidemic proportions. Hospitals and the treatments made many sick people leave sicker than they entered. For every care worker there were 2 people requiring constant help. Sick people, autistics, and those with Alzheimer were considered to be beneficial to society. Each person requiring help provided on average 4 full time jobs.
Hospitals were like garages and health care workers were like mechanics. People were like broken up cars being constantly repaired. The growing population eventually strangled the earth like a cancer.
Humanity and her machines were like cancer to the planet eventually strangling it like a weed. The earth cried with floods, grumbled with earthquakes, and fevered with global warming in an attempt to expel the cancer which was slowly killing her.
Energy became like a drug where the more energy the machines consumed, the more energy they needed to consume. More and more farm fields started to be used to grow corn that was being fermented into fuel and drunk by thirsty machines to make them run, instead of being ground to flower and fed to hungry children to make them grow. Cylinders lined the highways like fence posts and were made to spin to generate electricity by the wind caused by the rushing cars rolling by. Tunnels were lined with coiling wire and trucks and cars carried magnetic bars so that as they rolled downhill, they caused currents to flow in the coils like in electric generators. Conversely, coiled tunnels with flowing electricity moved magnetic rod equipped vehicles uphill like in electric motors. Eventually all newly built highways were built to go thru plastic tubes coiled with wire. Especially as the weather grew more and more stormy year by year, these plastic tunnels not only greatly reduced the energy requirements of transportation, but also greatly reduced the building costs of the highways, the fabrication costs of the vehicles and the maintenance costs of both.
By 2100, being fat became more and more normal and eventually acquired a status symbol of power and wealth. People got so fat that they could not fit into public facilities any more. They fought for equality rights in courts and won. Public places had to double the size of all chairs, beds, doorways, hallways, staircases, and cars, so that all people could use them. This was very expensive for all the people. It made many thin people very poor and a few fat people very rich.
CLICK HERE to go to: Death of money and birth of a new god
CLICK HERE to go to: Death of money and birth of a new god
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