Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Lessons for new-man - Fundamentals

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Souls were superior to new-man because they could see the entire spectrum of radiation, while new-man was relatively blind seeing only the narrow range between infrared to microwaves. Souls could see atoms clearly, while new-man could only see DNA faintly. Souls could see and hear the past, while new-man could only remember it. Souls could fly from galaxy to galaxy at hundreds of light years per hour, while new-man could only fly from mountain to mountain at the speed of a bird. Souls had immortality to advance, while new-man had only a lifetime to learn.

The universe is a 3 dimensional structure made up of atoms. The size of the universe is finite and very large while the size of atoms are very small. New-man is in the middle in size. There are as many galaxies in the universe as cells in your brain. There are as many stars in a galaxy as atoms in a cell.

The universe behaves like a chaotic system with forms within forms, similar yet different. Chaotic systems seem random and in-deterministic, but aren't. They are actually deterministic systems governed by physical laws that are predictable if you have enough information. The law of chaos states that for every action there is a consequence. And that the more you know your past the better and farther you see your future. Like weather forecasting. The theory of chaos shows that large scale systems are made of smaller systems that are very similar to the larger ones. Like a mountain is similar to a boulder which is similar to a grain of sand. Nature follows the laws of chaos. This is seen clearly in the shape of trees and their leaves.

In the beginning was the word and the word became knowledge. Knowledge had two meanings - good and evil.

Like a sweet and bitter fruit.

When you consume knowledge you will grow wise like your designer and your reward shall be immortality. But for your wisdom you will have to pay a heavy price. Your brain will increase in size making your birth very painful. And you will destroy the paradise you find yourselves in. You will enrich yourselves but impoverish your environment and for that you shall suffer like a snake in the desert.

But your eyes will be opened and you will see your universe in a different light that will enlighten you. What was once dark shall be light.

Like a negative of a photograph.

You shall develop a clear picture and understanding of your universe. What was once empty vacuum of space shall be like a sea of water. And what was once heavy mass in it shall be like light air bubbles in water. Then you will see that light is like sound. And just as you can now propel yourselves thru space faster than your sound and hear what you said a few minutes ago, you will be able to propel yourselves thru space faster than light and see what you saw a few minutes ago.

You will see that the universe is so big that you will always be in the middle of it. You will see that motion is relative and that when you sleep in your nest motionless you are actually moving at a great speed thru the vast space of the universe. You will be able to not only see your sun but go to it and see the earth rotating around it like a carousel. As you go away from your sun you will see that the sun is moving thru space ten times faster than the earth is moving around it. Then you will finally see that the earth does not rotate around the sun like you once thought it did but follows it with a wavering path going always forward and never backward.

Like a daughter circling her father as they both go home, never meandering away from him. When she wanders too far to the left, she is attracted back to him and ends up on his right side. And when she gets too far on his right, she is drawn back to his left side. When she is too far ahead of him, she slows down and lets him pass. And once he passes her and she falls too far behind, she is attracted to him and catches up again to take the lead.

As far as the father is concerned, his daughter is circling him, but as far as the mother who is watching them come home, both her husband and her daughter are following an almost straight path home.

When you understand that all motion is relative, you will see that things look different according to how they move. Then you will understand that rapidly rotating atoms are no longer like small solar systems, but have shapes.

Like a propeller that is stopped and one that is rotating.

Listen while you read...
Souls made new-man free. Just like new-man will one day culture bacteria in petri-dishes to see how they grow, we have set new-man on new earth to see how he evolves and develops. More importantly, we want to see how he experiences life and how he exploits it.

If you prosper, we are happy. If you die, we will be sad and we will try again. Souls want new-man to prosper and will guide him in the same way you will one day help your bacteria grow in your experiments. We care. We will keep you warm and feed you and care for you like a mother takes care of her child.

New earth is your home to grow on. It is specially selected and prepared for you in a new universe that is yours to explore, experience, and exploit.

Your new universe has only 3 dimensions of space. Space allows you to move in any of its three directions. You are stuck in time and can only ever be in the present moment. Time is a one way train that you ride to the future. You can envision where you want to go, and you can remember where you have been.

You are the train. The medium is the message.

There is only mass and energy, but it come in any combinations. Mass without energy is mass that is motionless and doesn't go anywhere. Energy without mass is light that radiates everywhere. You are made of both mass and energy. You are radiating light that moves wherever you want to go. Mass is like condensed energy just like snowflakes are condensed water.

Gravity causes mass to attract like love causes humans to attract. These 2 forces are still a mystery to us and remain out of our understanding and control. Gravity causes mass to attract and clump into sizes as small and light as the particles in an atom's nucleus, or as big and heavy as a collection of galaxies. The size of nature is in the middle of the limits defined by the atom and the universe. And your size is in the middle of that defined by nature. You are right in the middle of it all.

If the earth was the size of an orange, you would be the size of a virus. If the sun was an orange, earth would be a grain of fine sand 1 m away and the neighboring stars would be 1,000 km away. You are made of atoms like miniature solar systems. If the nucleus was an orange, the electrons would be 1 km away. You are like a thin fog, and the universe is like a thick cloud.

Science is the study of the laws of the universe and the laws of life. Religion is the contemplation of its purpose.

Science and religion complement each other like a man and a woman. Science without religion is infertile and deaf to what religion has to say. Religion without science is infertile and blind to what science has to show.

The universe is like a leaky barrel of water and life is like the raindrops from heaven that keep the barrel filled. The universe is like a clock winding down and life is like a spring winding up. The universe is an orchestra and you are a violin string being played.

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