Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Atoms and light, Chemistry and Biology

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New-man moves mass by willing it to move using muscle force. The universe moves mass by forcing it to move using 2 forces called gravity and electromagnetism. Gravity moves all mass to attract and we have no control of it.

What is holding you down to new earth is the weight of the heavens above you.

Electromagnetism moves only charged mass, and it makes charged mass attract or repel depending on their charges.

Gravity and electromagnetism are like love and emotions. Love always attracts but emotions can attract or repel.

There are two types of charges in the universe, positive and negative. Like male and female.

There are 3 types of masses in the universe, protons, neutrons, and electrons. Like mother, child, and father.

Two positive charges repel each other in order to attract negative charges instead. Two negative charges repel in order to attract positive charges instead. A positive and a negative charge will attract and bond to form a neutral mass. Charges behave like males and females in heat.

When two positive charged protons are forced to couple very close, as they do in the nucleus of atoms, they must be chaperoned by a neutral mass called a neutron. When a neutron leaves its nucleus, it has only 15 minutes of freedom before it unravels to give birth to a proton and an electron. A neutron is like a child who leaves home to start his own family.

Protons are masses with positive charge. Electrons are almost 2,000 times bigger and 2,000 time lighter having negative charge. Each proton is paired with an electron, like a man and woman. But the electrons keep a faraway distance from the protons they are bonded to. They are free to leave and form bonds with other protons. And when they do, they leave the atom positively charged and become themselves negatively charged.

A neutron is slightly heavier than a proton and has no charge. Protons and neutrons form the nucleus of atoms.

Protons neutrons and electrons make up atoms like letters make up words. Atoms make molecules like words make phrases. You are a string of molecules; only a sentence, but a sentence with great meaning. Sentences make books, and your race, called new-man, will make a wonderful story that will be a continuation to this story you are now reading.

All mass either keeps moving in a straight line, like a twig floating down a river, or stays still like a twig beached on a river bank.

And the twig in the river keeps floating along until something causes it to change its course. And the twig on the beach stays still until something causes it to move. And this book will not be read and understood until you turn the pages.

This is the law of inertia and it governs all mass, including you; it makes you either lazy like a stone or it gives you the creative power to move mass where you want and when you need.

The shape of atoms determines their function, just like shape of objects around you determines their use. Atoms have arms and legs that are used to connect them together. Just like people holding hands and acrobats holding on each other.

Depending on their shape, atoms are grouped in families with similar characteristics. They all have different sizes depending on how many electrons they have.

Hydrogen with only one electron is the most loving of all atoms and generously shares and donates its one and only electron to whoever needs it. It is like the word “god” and is like a child loved by all.

Stars, a soup of hydrogen, make all other type of atoms and dust the universe with them. You are star dust. Four out of every five atoms in the universe are hydrogen. The universe is made mostly of stars. The universe is like an altar lit by candles.

Hydrogen's shape is like a hammer; with the long light handle as the electron, and the small heavy head as the proton. Acids are molecules that have hydrogen atoms with protruding protons. When a protruding proton falls off, they display a negative charge and are very aggressive. Like a man holding a sharp spear.

Stars burning hydrogen spew out families of atoms in the form of star dust. The helium family, the metals, the halogens, the chalcogens, and the nitrogen and carbon families all come from the sun. The stars in the universe are like nurseries for atoms.

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Metals are the most generous of atoms. They are like nuns serving the needy. Or like a swarm of bees ready to shock.

Metals easily donate their electrons and end up being positively charged cations in a sea of negatively charged electrons. When electrons move like flocks of birds or schools of fish, an electric current is created, generating a magnetic field like a wind. Metals form most of the rock that forms earth. The earth's nucleus core is very rich in iron, and due to its internal rotating currents, it is like the magnet in a compass. Your planet is a compass that allows you to navigate the universe. 

Nitrogen and his brothers phosphorous and arsenic are even less greedy, willing to share 3 of their electrons with other atoms and with themselves. When they share it with themselves they embrace in very tight triple bonds that explode with great force when broken. Like bombs. Nitrogen makes up 80% of the air you fly in.

Carbon and her sister Silicon is the most social atom of all atoms. Carbon forms chains like in life, sheets like in graphite, and crystals like in diamonds. Humans are mostly carbon chains dressed up in hydrogen, decorated by nitrogen, and tied together by oxygen. Silicon, tin, and lead, are all members of this family. Silicon forms sand, glass, silicone, and computer chips. Carbon is like the words “life” and “diamonds”. Silicon is like the words “computers” and “glass”. Both are like women.

The chalcogens, like oxygen, and sulfur, are less greedy than the halogens and are ready to share 2 of their electrons with other atoms and with themselves. When they share it with themselves they form very tight double bonds that give off much energy when broken. Chalcogens are like sticks cracking when they burn and break. They are like firemen men who break and save.

When oxygen shares its 2 electrons with hydrogen, water is formed to water life. You are a carbon sponge soaked with water. Oxygen makes up 20% of every breath of breeze you breathe.

The halogens, like fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine, are the greediest of atoms as they steal electrons from anyone and everyone. When taking electrons from metals, they form negative charged atoms called anions, leaving the donor metals as a positively charged cation. Anions and cations having opposite charge attract and bond, losing their charge and form salts. Salts easily separate and dissolve in water into their ionic forms forming electrolytes that conduct electricity like solid metal does. Halogens are like a field of flowers attracting a swarm of bees.

Helium, and her sisters neon, argon, and krypton, are the most unsociable of all atoms. They do not form any bonds with anyone. One out of every five atoms in the universe is helium. They are like solitary monks. The universe is like a monastery filled with burning candles.


Light, like the airwaves of sound your ears hear, are space-waves of photons your eyes see.

Electromagnetic waves are like trains pulling wagons. While all the wagons have the same volume and thus carry the same amount of energy, some wagons are taller and shorter and other wagons are lower and longer. Because all trains travel at the same speed, the short but tall wagons pass by a certain point on the track faster than the long low wagons.

If wagons be photons, then a wagon's height is the photon's frequency. If you were standing by the tracks, the frequency of passing wagons is the frequency of the photons. The number of wagons is the wave's intensity. The short tall wagons are called gamma rays and x-rays. The long low wagons are called heat, micro waves, radio waves, and light.

Gamma rays, the size of an atom's nucleus, are emitted from the nucleus when there are great disruptions inside it. They have 10,000 times more energy than is required to knock an electron away from its nucleus. Neutrons breaking away from their nucleus emit a gamma ray before they give birth to a free proton and a free electron. Like sparklers to celebrate a birth.

X-rays, the size of atoms, are emitted when electrons drop to their lowest energy levels. They are like the sound of balls falling off a roof.

Ultraviolet and visible light, the size of molecules and viruses, are emitted when electrons drop to a lower energy level. They are like the sound of balls bouncing down stairs. And each sound has a different color, from violet to red.

Heat called infrared waves, the size of viruses and cells are emitted like sparks when molecules and cells rub against each other. Micro waves the size of bugs, and radio waves the size of towns, are caused by accelerating and decelerating flows of free electrons, like in a radio antenna, or in a star.

When electromagnetic waves pass over atoms with electrons excited to their highest levels, these electrons drop to a lower state and emit more waves. This wave emission stimulates emissions in other atoms. A chain reaction, simulating an organism’s orgasm, results in a powerful short burst of radiation called laser. They are like a tsunami after an earthquake.

The shorter the waves, the more of them pass any point at any one time and the more energy is being transmitted.. The longer the waves, the less pass any point at any one time and the less energy is being transmitted..To detect just one cycle of wave the size of our galaxy would take a million years.

It is thought by some that gravity is an electromagnetic wave the size of the universe. Because it has so little energy and is so big it cannot go thru matter like X-rays and ends up pushing it along like a breeze blowing leaves up in the air. Gravity waves are too weak to detect and take too long a time to capture to be discovered and understood by us. No one knows where and how they are generated. No one knows what is generating them and why. They are like the tides in the ocean.

With your eyes, designed by us, you can only see ultraviolet to infrared. With machines that you will one day design you will be able to see your universe much clearer.

It will be like putting on glasses or turning on a light in a dark room and hearing and seeing someone on the other side of your planet.

When you can finally hear all the photons you will hear the universe playing a beautiful symphony with a hidden message. And the message is: “The trains follow a schedule and a route, but the journey is not always predictable.”

Small masses like photons and isolated electrons follow the random quantum paths of all possibilities, like flies flying from one place to another. Quantum law is only for the very small masses and is totally unpredictable.

The rules these small particles follow, called quantum laws, give poetry to science and give it a depth that we can only wander in, wonder at, and ponder about.

You are a mass made up of one group of trillions of atoms, much too big for quantum laws. You are too important to be playing your life with a dice. You are a complex chaotic system. Your life looks random, but it is deterministic. You are at the edge of life and death.

You stand between the biggest and the smallest in the middle of the universe, but you are among the slowest and coldest. Your temperature is electromagnetic wave radiation caused by friction of your molecules and cells rubbing and banging against each other. Your temperature when alive shines only 40 C while the temperatures of stars shine over 20 billion C. You are nearly as cold as it could get, because you are one of the most delicate shapes that atoms can form.

The slightest breeze blows you apart. The slightest heat melts you.

Listen while you read...

Chemistry, the laws of atoms and molecules, are like grammar rules of a language defining which letters form which words and how to make meaningful sentences from them.

Atoms form bonds with other atoms by donating, accepting, sharing or stealing their electrons to make molecules. Like words forming phrases.

Color is produced by large molecules forming flat ring shapes resembling drum heads of percussion instruments. For these molecules to resonate they have to be lit or hit by frequencies close to their resonant frequency. Their resonant frequency is the color that we see.

Smell and taste are produced by molecules forming chains resembling strings of string instruments. For these molecules to resonate they have to be heated by frequencies close to their resonant frequency. Their resonant frequency is the smell and taste we perceive. We smell the volatile molecules and we taste the non-volatile ones. Carbohydrates are sweet, acids are sour, salts are salty, and bases are bitter.

Chemicals called bleaches are known to whiten colors. They are corrosive and disturb the bonds that cause the colors by breaking them. Like a hot iron flattening out creases in cloth.

Atoms combine together to form molecules, like people form families. Molecules combine together to form compounds. Like families form neighborhoods.

Hydrocarbons are carbon chains with hydrogen that fuel machines. They were made by plants which decomposed millions of years ago. Petroleum and gasoline are hydrocarbons.

Carbohydrates are hydrocarbons with oxygen that fuel animals and man. They are made by plants. Sugar and alcohol are carbohydrates.

You and other plants use air, water, and sunshine, to make carbohydrates. Your body will break these long chains into their separate links called sugars. Sugar will be used to fuel your brain.

You and your fellow animals who live off the plants are based on carbon atoms, while the rocks of the earth who nourish the plants are based on silicon atoms. You are all closely related. While animals and plants are dressed in hydrogen atoms making them soft warm and alive, rocks are dressed in metal atoms making them hard cold and lifeless. Plants provide the oxygen animals need to burn the carbohydrates they eat and break up for energy. Plants in turn breathe in the wastes animals breathe out and use light to combine these molecules into carbohydrates. Plants use light to make what animals use to break. And once the cycle starts rolling, the laws of inertia keep it going.

Acids are corrosive compounds of hydrogen that dissolve rocks and metal. Hydrogen's proton vulnerably sticks out like a swinging hammer with a loose head. Like men swinging long hammers till the hammers lose their heads and the men are left swinging only sharp sticks.

Bases are corrosive metal compounds of water that dissolve fats and oils to produce soaps and alcohols. Bases neutralize acids by forming salts and water. Bases sacrifice a negatively charged water molecule to soak up the protons lost by acids. This sacrifice leaves the base wounded with a positive charge. The negatively charged water soaks up the protons and becomes discharged. The acids gratefully join the wounded bases forming stable molecules called salts. This is how dangerous corrosive acids like hydrochloric acid and burning bases like caustic soda neutralize into harmless salts and water that you eat and drink. When organic acids like fatty acids from fat and organic bases like ash from burned wood mix, they neutralize into alcohol and organic salts called soaps.

Nature makes chain of hydrocarbons that fuel machinery and ties them together into a feather-like-structure to form fats. Your body will use fats to fuel your cells and to build them membranes. Fats are hydrocarbon chains with acid heads. When the chains are short, they form gases like natural gas. The longer chains form liquids like gasoline and oils. The very long ones form waxes.

Proteins are carbohydrate chains dressed up in nitrogen with acid heads. They are the building block of all life and are made from amino acids which only plants produce. Animals must eat plants or other animals for their source of amino acids so that they can make their own proteins.

You are mostly a blob of protein covered by a layer of fat.

Organic molecules organized themselves into mobile forms carrying DNA that was able to reproduce and make proteins that allowed life to grow. DNA are helix chains of sugar coated bases and acids called nucleic acids.

Each cell of a living thing is like a functioning entity. It has a nucleus which contains helix chains of DNA that code the genome of the entire living being. The genome contains information and instructions that are used to make an entire living entity all from one single dividing cell. The DNA is like an operation manual. DNA code uses 4 building blocks that form 2 pairs chained in a chain like words in a book. And this sequence encodes biological instructions to keep life alive. Your genome, like all of nature's genomes, is written with only 2 letters.

Because the temperature of the earth is so low and the movement thru its frozen environment so slow, large groups of atoms can form very large stable clusters and chains of atoms like DNA, hydrocarbons, carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Listen while you read...

Biology, the laws of nature, is the science of life. It is based on the laws of chemistry, which are based on the laws of physics. Cells are the basic building blocks of life. We designed your eyes to allow you to see clearly so that you can wonder in their design. An amoeba contains only one cell. You contain thousands of trillion of them.

Molecules of life, like fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, are made up of from hundreds to thousands of C,H,O and N atoms. You shall be able to see the bigger ones with your eyes just barely. With time you will recognize them from their shape. Cells, the basic building block of living things, are mostly water, proteins, fats and DNA.

You are blessed with the genome we designed for you. It makes you the most efficient plant and the most powerful animal, giving you great superior abilities. You are colored green to use sunlight like the plants do for your energy needs to fuel you. You can boost your capabilities and eat plants and boost it further and eat plant eating animals. We gave you regenerative capabilities so that your bodies are practically invincible.

Your lifespan is limited by the lifespan of your brain which holds your mind and soul. The lifespan of your brain is determined by the lifespan of your body which holds your brain. You will live as long as you keep your brain alive. So treasure your body and your brain and keep them healthy.

Your body is the temple of your soul.

CLICK HERE to go to: Temple of the soul and the game of life

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