Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Death of money and the birth of a new god (small)

100 years after the few elite who took over all the banks, money, used to measure a service's or a product's claimed value was debased from materials such as gold having an accepted, stable, and inherent value, to almost worthless promises printed on paper. 

The secretive families convinced the politician to change the backing of money from gold to trust. Then they allowed the value of money to fluctuate to the whims of speculators. 

Money became like a rubber ruler to measure how long a cloth is, or an un-calibrated scale to measure how much a fruit weighs which changed its length and calibration from day to day at the whim of money speculators. 

This short term fast gain speculation by many greedy people resulted in a very chaotic system that eventually proved fatal to world trade. All currencies lost their value over night. 

The banks realized the more debt the country was in, the more money they could print and the richer they would be. So they encouraged the people to get into deep debt by providing them with long term credit to continually buy many useless products giving only short term gratification. They encouraged the countries to get into debt by financing wars. The more people fought in wars, the more they suffered and the deeper they fell in debt. The deeper in debt society fell, the more money was printed to finance it and the richer the banksters became. 

Like a bubble that is blown up until it bursts. 

This exploitation, like all forms of exploitation, is non-sustainable and has a limited lifetime. Eventually exploitation becomes no longer possible. You can't milk a dead cow. When the finance bubble finally burst and money lost all its value, all other currencies based on it eventually failed, and all monetary systems eventually collapsed. At the same time that the financial system collapsed, the computers and databases of the banks also crashed. People suddenly found themselves in a world without money. While people normally do anything for money, they usually refuse to do anything for free. Removing money was like removing the whip from the slave driver. All work screeched to a halt and all companies bolted shut and closed. 

Once again science stepped in to save the world. Scientists developed a machine that measured the physical and mental energy exerted by a person to work a given task and paid for the work done. It was called the money chip. It automatically stored the pay for work as a credit in the worker's account. The machine was inserted under the skin usually on the forehead or hands. Everyone with this embedded money chip became a private bank. It was not possible to do any buying or selling without having this chip as it was the only form of money available. 

This new currency motivated people to go back to work. Once fairly paid, motivation of people to work returned. Each person had a bank account embedded in their body. Once someone saved enough, they were allowed to invest their money as they pleased by giving it to other people for a part of their business with the hopes that they would buy into a successful venture. 

The central banking system became totally decentralized with everyone being their own bank. A fair method of payment was regulated that allowed all people to live decent lives and at the same time the accumulated wealth of individuals was limited. 

The few secretive and very rich families who were for generations successfully choreographing the world to their dance lost all of their money. But they did not lose their wealth. They were landowners and owned the wealthiest parts of the earth. They continued unhindered in their ulterior motive to dominate the world by uniting it under their control. To gain domination of the people, they used fear, a proven methods since the beginning of civilizations. 

They started campaigns that instilled fear in the population. Fear of climate change, fear of dying, and fear of losing freedoms. The fear of losing possessions was the most wide spread. Most possessions, including children and one’s own body got tagged with an electronic tag that was actually a networked computer. Navigation and communication features were added to these embedded chips and they connected people in groups that made them feel safe. They were ensured that they would never get lost and would always know where their loved ones were. 

It was discovered that many of the drugs that people were taking to treat their many illnesses were relieving symptoms not so much because of the chemicals they contained, but because of the faith people had in them. This was called the placebo effect, but all further studies to understand how it all worked were futile. This placebo effect could not be seen in any other life forms except man. 

Belief and faith seemed to be stronger than knowledge and understanding. 

As if a new moral code solidified in humanity, the overly greedy people were gradually and shamefully disgraced and defiled for their corruption and greed. At the same time, the few scientists who uncovered corruption of the over greedy were graced and deified. Businessmen were treated as devils and scientists were treated as gods. To the great benefit of man, doctors quickly converted into alternative and holistic practices. 

It was re discovered that the long lost habit of drinking one's urine at times of illness was greatly beneficial to get healthy and keep healthy. Most humans were brainwashed to believe that urine was undrinkable. Most were unable to take a first gulp without vomiting. Some people saw that they could exploit this and made machines that were implanted under the skin. Urine was pumped in a tube from the bladder into the stomach. 
Listen while you read...
In 2,200 scientists predicted that a comet the size of New York was on a collision course with earth. They were able to convinced politicians to use all of their accumulated nuclear bombs to blast the comet off course. They saved humanity and nature from certain extinction. 

Humanity felt like a young idealist out to save the world. 

Scientists calculated that burning the fossil fuels that were the accumulation of 300 million years of plant growth in 300 years was like burning 2 years growth of all plants on earth each second. They realized too late that the consequence was like exploding bombs. The skies turned yellow over big cities causing many illnesses and many people to suffer and die. 

The solution to pollution was dilution. People continued to pollute the skies with their hungry machines. People continued to pollute the land with nitrogen thru fertilizers and detergents that eventually washed down to the seas. Algae took over the seas and suffocated the rest of the sea life. In a desperate attempt to wash the excess CO2 covering earth like a suffocating blanket, nature wept and soaked its soiled atmosphere with violent winds and acid rain. 

As the weather got worse, so did the pollution. Despite the yellow skies over cities and the dying seas, people chose to continue to burn fossil fuels and pollute the air because it was cheaper. By the time the fuel supplies were so low as to make it too expensive to burn, it was too late. The atmosphere turned thick and started to suffocate nature. 

The planet Earth and its life moaned and complained like a sick dying man. 

Weather patterns became more and more erratic, extreme, and hard to predict. Scientists tried in many desperate ways to counteract global warming by seeding the sky with chemicals, but just ended up aggravating the situation. The amount, frequency, and brutality of natural disasters increased with each generation. Earthquakes caused parts of continents to sink under water. Floods covered the desert, and droughts caused new deserts to form where jungles were before. Crops grown to feed the people and their machines got diseased and died. Over a billion people died of starvation. Machines ground to a stop. 

The rate of autism greatly increased to epidemic proportions. Scientist were unable to find out the main cause as there were too many possibilities, from vaccinations, to cell phones, and to the implanted chips. The search for the cause of autism was futile but it greatly increased the study of mind. The autistic seemed to have concentrated brain power in well-defined and detectable parts of their brain while totally lacking in power in other parts reserved for feelings and emotions. More and more people were seen to be not only emotionally sick but emotionally dead. 

Scientists realized that nature was too sick to fix. In their acquired knowledge of trying to fix her they started to replace her with machines and factories, just as they were replacing defective organs in humans with machines. 

Nature was complaining like a dying man. 

Large centralized nuclear generating plants were set up all over the world as a replacement fuel to feed the hungry machines. The earth rebelled and tore the power transmission lines down with earthquakes, hurricanes and floods faster than man and machines were able to repair them. The large centralized nuclear generators became many smaller distributed ones. Man would not let nature beat him. 

The machines reproduced and spread like dandelions. 

Despite the drastic decrease of population, the number of machines drastically increased. The constant rebuilding after each natural cataclysm caused man to need more and more machines needing more and more fuel. 

It was like a vicious circle spinning out of control and turning into a runaway chain reaction. 

Scientist in Switzerland inadvertently produced a tiny black hole that immediately engulfed the entire city leaving a crater. As the black hole fell to the center of Earth, it drilled a hole that got wider and wider. The black hole swung thru the Earth between Switzerland and near New Zealand. Like a pendulum, it swung back and forth. For a few years, it cause earthquakes in Switzerland and tsunami waves on the other side of the globe. But then the swings got shorter and shorter as the black hole accumulated mass as it got bigger and carved out a wider hole. It was estimated that after reaching a diameter of a few centimeters, then it would eventually find a home in the center and feast on the iron core. It was estimated that it would take 10,000 years for the black hole to have any appreciable effect. Programs to study black holes and programs to find new planets in the galaxy were greatly and rapidly increased and generously funded. These were high energy programs that harnessed nuclear energy and the nuclear technology made leaps and bounds forward.. 

Within a few generations, every city had a nuclear power generator the size of a villa. Soon companies had their own nuclear generators the size of a garage. As the generators increased in number, they decreased in size. When they became mass produced they drastically decreased in cost. Within a generation, most homes had a nuclear generator the size of a car battery. 

Some greedy businessman thought that he could make much money and developed a very small mobile nuclear generator using Nano technology. It was a nuclear battery that supplied all the power needed by a person for 100 years. It was the size of a Rolex watch. Worn as jewelry it became a status symbol. Your children inherited your battery when you died, just like they inherited your expensive jewelry. 

A few fundamental Muslims with homemade nuclear weapons made from their nuclear batteries terrorized a few of the richest and most greedy exploiting Jews living among the many exploited Christians. Many innocent Christians were killed. Christian nations retaliated by bombing and killing many innocent Muslims with atomic bombs. Muslims retaliated with their home made nuclear weapons and began a religious war in the name of their god. They forgot that their god and their enemy's god was one and the same having a different name. 

The resulting nuclear world war devastated the planet. Humanity and nature suffered greatly. Most Muslims and Christians died but most Jews survived in their old land Judea. The UN, a world government of all countries, was moved from America to Jerusalem a few centuries before and was spared a nuclear holocaust. Most people like the Asians who lived far enough away and who did not have any gods to defend or fight for survived to later thrive. For many generations people lived in peace and prospered in knowledge. Knowledge was all that was left. 

The survivors of the war were like vultures waiting for the spoils of a battle.
NEXT: Death of nature and the birth of a new body
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